For black and white film

Zone 0 – Absolute absence of density in the negative (film base plus fog). Total black in print.

Zone I – Threshold of film sensitivity, first Zone step above pure black in the print. No print tone, or texture. This is a slight film density but does not register on print. All black print.

Zone II – Slight Texture, very dark part of image where the lowest valued details are found.

Zone III – Lowest dark area showing some texture. Deep shadow areas with noticeable texture. Lowest placement for shadow areas using Zone System.

Zone IV – Dark foliage, dark stone or water, shadow in open sunlight. Good portrait shadow in sunlight.

Zone V – North sky, dark skin, weathered wood. THIS IS THE MIDDLE GRAY (18% Reflectance) YOUR LIGHT METER WILL PLACE YOUR SUBJECT.

Zone VI – Caucasian skin in sunlight or artificial light. Light rock, shadows on snow.

Zone VII – Fair skin tone. Light gray objects, snow with side lighting showing texture of snow

Zone VIII – White with very fine texture. Snow in sunlight. White clapboard house in sunlight. The highest placement on the ZONE scale for texture.

Zone IX – Sun reflections, glaring surfaces in sun. No texture, paper white.

Introduction: In order to use black and white film correctly it is recommended by “all the experts” and myself to do a film speed test. The following is that test, step by step. You will need a 24″ x 24″ size surface that is all the same color (preferably dark gray). Set the card on the north side of your house or in an outside shaded area. Not in direct sunlight.

1. Set your meter-in-camera or hand-held meter for manufacturerís recommended ISO (This will be Tri-X so set your meter to ISO 400).

2. Tripod the camera and point it at the film speed test card. Make sure you are close enough so the entire frame is filled with the card. About one foot to two feet away is usually an accurate distance for the camera to card. It is important that your hand or meter or anything else not interfere with the open skylight falling on the test card. If you are too close, you will see a soft edged shadow even in full shade.

Meter the Card with the meter-in-camera or your hand-held meter. If it is a hand held meter make sure you are metering the card. Move up to it from the same viewing axis of camera to get an accurate reading of the card.

Focus on infinity (we do not want textures for this test). Make sure the camera is facing target straight on. Do this test outside if at all possible tungsten or artificial lights will be inaccurate.

Set your camera at the indicated meter reading (you have Zone V). To get Zone I setting close down the aperture setting or decrease the shutter speed four stops. Say it out loud as you do this one click Zone IV, another click Zone III and so on to Zone I. Make the exposure.

Change your ISO manufactures recommended rating to twice (200%) the number on your meter. Meter your target. Make another Zone I exposure.

Change your ISO to three-quarters (75%) the manufacturers recommended rating. Meter your target. Make another Zone I exposure,

Change your ISO to one half (50%) the manufacturers recommended rating. Meter your target. Make another Zone I exposure,

Change your ISO to one quarter (25%) the manufacturers recommend rating. Meter your target. Make another Zone I exposure.

Expose the rest of the roll at Zone V or take some pictures around the area. Rewind the film when finished, place name on film canister and turn in to instructors.

